Tuesday 15 August 2017

August 15, 2017

How To Install Coming Soon Packaged Sample Applications

How To Install Coming Soon Packaged Sample Applications

Installing one of the Package Sample Application should be a piece of cake , right. While , I wonder why I find most often facing the situation where, when I try to install any of the Packaged Applications, It will throw Coming Soon into my face.😰

That's how a Computer would treat you nowadays, till you find your self in the abyss called troubleshooting mother lode of code and it definitely involves some head-scratching and hair pulling.

It may be due to faulty installation or whatever went kaput. I don't want to poke around to find the root cause.  I just wanted to be able to install the packaged applications , and to heck with troubleshooting the stars. And by the way I hate the way people describe space, it seems like a whole lot of emptiness out there, and its not even air.😛

So I was stuck with this

Packaged Sample Applications with Coming Soon
Packaged Sample Applications with Coming Soon

So, I do not want you to go on a wild goose chase. Just Follow the instructions below :

Connect to you apex user.
You can find your apex user by querying the database for users , However, it would require a user with dba privileges to connect to the database.
sqlplus sys/password@service_name as sysdba
sqlplus sys/s@xe as sysdba

Select * From dba_users;

Your Apex user should have a name something like  APEX_#VERSION# ( EX : APEX_05000).

Now Connect to APEX_05000
sqlplus APEX_050000/s@xe

Find out your apex installation folder, where you unzipped you apex.zip file.e.g D:\apex folder
Run the following script:

Now Run the following script:

By now,  you will get the Installation button working as shown below,Go to your Packaged application Installation screen and voilà  , bob's your uncle.

Packaged Sample Applications with Coming Soon
Packaged Sample Applications with Install Application Button


  1. Thank you for sharing this information. I find this information is easy to understand and very useful. Thumbs up!

